
warum Architekturtheorie und technikphilosophie?

Architecture in the Meteora

Eric Sola Price schrieb in seinem Buch Little Science, Big Science … and Beyond (1986) eindrücklich: 

Today we are privileged to sit side-by-side with the giants on whose shoulders we stand. This, in a nutshell, exemplifies the peculiar immediacy of science, the recognition that so large a proportion of everything scientific that has ever occurred is happening now, within living memory.

In der Theorie geht es immer auch um eine bestimmte Art von Verwurzelung, um eine Art von ‘Radikalität’ die sich vom Boden absetzt, die sich herausdreht und abhebt wovon sie herkommt. Es geht um Möglichkeiten für ein anders-als-gewohnt. Rick Dolphijn und Iris van der Tuin haben dies schön eingefangen in New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies (2012): 

In academia, revolutionary and radical ideas are actualized through an engagement with scholars and scholarly traditions of the canonized past. Contemporary generations read, or more often reread older texts, resulting in “new” readings that do not fit the dominant reception of these texts. 

Ein Schlüsselmotiv von Kanon — von Traditionen, die eine "kanonisierte Vergangenheit" verkörpern — ist die Distanz zwischen Generationen, und eine Mittelbarkeit hinsichtlich der Zeiten und Temperamente jener Stimmen und Interpretationen, die Bögen bilden und Brücken schlagen zwischen Vergangenheiten, Zukünften, und Gegenwarten. Wie soll "sitting side-by-side with the giants on whose shoulders we stand", ein "Privileg" sein? Ist eine solche Unmittelbarkeit nicht unweigerlich eine Art Kollaps für jedes Gedächtnis, das “lebendig” sein könnte? Mit diesem Vorbehalt fragt Technikphilosophie danach, wie sich in der Technik Distanzen zwischen Generationen finden lassen, und wie wir diese messen und charakterisieren lernen können.   

Hier finden Sie ein ausführlicheres Statement zu unserem Zugang.  ..

Why Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics?

Architecture in the Meteora

Eric Sola Price, a founding father of scientometrics, wrote in his book Little Science, Big Science … and Beyond (1986): 

Today we are privileged to sit side-by-side with the giants on whose shoulders we stand. This, in a nutshell, exemplifies the peculiar immediacy of science, the recognition that so large a proportion of everything scientific that has ever occurred is happening now, within living memory.

Theory is always also concerned with a certain kind of rootedness, with a spiral sense of ‘radicality’ that picks up flight from circling, exploiting but also conserving, potentials for change. Rick Dolphijn and Iris van der Tuin have nicely captured this in New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies (2012): 

In academia, revolutionary and radical ideas are actualized through an engagement with scholars and scholarly traditions of the canonized past. Contemporary generations read, or more often reread older texts, resulting in “new” readings that do not fit the dominant reception of these texts. 

The key characteristic of a canon—the key characteristic of how scholarly traditions manifest "canonised pasts"—is generational distance, as well as mediacy in the tempers and temporalities of the voices and interpretations that provide bridges across pasts, presents, futures. How exactly then is "sitting side-by-side with the giants on whose shoulders we stand", a "privilege"? Isn’t such immediacy inevitably a closure of sorts, a kind of collapse? With these reservations in mind, philosophy of technics seeks to spot out where the generational distances lie within technology, and how to measure and characterise them.  

You can find an extended statement to our approach here.






How can we find a novel understanding of human intellectuality in co-existence with artificial intelligence? The Sophistication Conferences are organised once a year at the Technical University Vienna, as a cooperation between the Department for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics ATTP and the laboratory for applied virtuality at the chair for CAAD ETH Zurich, where we invite distinguished as well as young scholars from different fields to think about how such »architectonic intellectuality« affects our relations to the world at large – our institutions, as well as our ordinary daily lives.

Upcoming December 10-12, 2020:

(ONCE) UPON (A) PLENITUDE: Summoning commonalities beyond totality.



DIGITALE gnomonik


Eine Kooperation mit der ETH Zurich (Lehrstuhl für CAAD, Prof. Ludger Hovestadt) und der Universität Budapest/sowie Athen (Dr. Elias Zafiris) zu den Themen Informationstechnik, Architektur, Mathematik, Philosophie.

Wir treffen uns unregelmässig, ca 4 Mal pro Jahr, für eine intensive Woche und Austausch, Vorträgen, Networking.


DIGITAL gnomonics

An informal research group

A cooperation with ETH Zurich (Lehrstuhl für CAAD, Prof. Ludger Hovestadt) and the Universities Budapest/Athens (Dr. Elias Zafiris) on the topics of information technology, architecture, mathematics,

We are meeting irregularly, ca 4 times a year, for one week of intense exchange, lectures, networking.




The Convivium stands for one of the oldest formats for discourse – at a table set (discursively) with plenty, people exchange 'words' for 'food' and 'drink' in discourse driven by personal hungers for thought.

01 / Niklas Damiris : Insights from Quantum Physics and Finance for alternate economies-ecologies

02 / Christopher Peterka : Mad Max Mode - from 193 nations to 7 regimes

03 / Adam Nocek : Designing by Government

04 / Admir Selimovic : Thinking Code dramatically






This colloquy opens up a dialogue on the relations between abstraction and generalisation between the Department for Criminal Law, Fribourg University Switzerland, and the Department for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics at Vienna University of Technology. In the centre of our shared interest stand the relationships between generalisation and abstraction, and how these relationships unlock something like "character" within regularity. ....




Contact: Vera Bühlmann



Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres introduces the reader to Serres’ unique manner of ‘doing philosophy’, namely, as a novel manner of bearing witness. It demonstrates the reality of intellectual courage at work in Serres’ oeuvre that crucially involves mathematical thinking, and that makes possible a novel kind of dialogue in the world, not just on the world. Discourse around such dialogue thoughtfully articulates the principle of ‘the priceless’, folding it into an architectonics that is coefficient with nature.

Situating Serres’ universalist yet plural reading of knowledge as power, at the same time reveals it as coextensive with anonymous, incandescent and inventive thought. Vera Bühlmann’s work acquaints the reader with some of the epistemologically unsettling situations in contemporary science and technology that Serres addressed, formulating the original concept of ‘Quantum Literacy’ to examine the particular way in which he responded to these situations.



Research Project
Contact: Georg Fassl



What counts as philosophy’s Being and Becoming or physic’s Movement and Rest, might be compared with architecture’s Mobile and Immobile. They are two of its most inner conceptions forming one of its major devices. They are a pair of opposites, a bi-functional entity producing energy and negotiating between its poles – architectural objects are charged with both of them, each in its very own way.

The Daedalus Observatory is a space for architectonic research on the ‘mobile’ and ‘immobile’; marking an investigation that seeks to approach both horizons, to observe and to speculate extensively on a present Mobile and Immobile character, separately yet inevitably entangled.


Ocean-Chart [The Bellman’s Map], in The Hunting of the Snark, Lewis Carroll.png

PhD Project
Contact: Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou

Islands, Palaces and the Symbolic:
Enclosing Virtualities in the Age of Hyper-Resolution

How can architecture invent manners in which to accommodate a we today, given that this we is composed of a multiplicity of life forms and fleshes (be those geological, biological, synthetic or cosmic, human or animal, or else)? And how, in this quest, could it produce conditions that are at once objective, that is to say, defined upon a criterion that is true to all living forms (universal), and locally and temporarily adapted (plural), as conditions for stabilities in our atomised world? In other words, how can architecture neither induce an understanding of order as being unifying and all-inclusive, nor favour social constructivism, reified epistemologies or reductionist categorisations?


PhD Project
Contact: Riccardo M. Villa



Aim of this research is then to investigate transparency as the ‘emplacement’ (locus, or ortung) of a third, questioning and opening up the dialectical polarity. The “accident” of transparency should then be replaced with the “substance” of a translucent diaphanous. The verb dia-phaino in Greek means ‘to appear through’, in that sense being translatable in the Latin trans-pareo from which ‘transparent’ comes; the diaphanous is then the transparent medium, a generic kind of crystalline substance through which images are rendered visible.


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Contact: Oliver Schürer


des humanoiden zähmung

Forschungsinhalt ist, ein kulturelles Konzept von Raum zu entwickeln, das Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz in denselben Bedeutungskontext wie uns Menschen involviert. Unser Konzept ist dabei die reziproke Konstruktion von Raum und Bedeutung im Dialog von Mensch und Maschine als "space game" in Anlehnung an das philosophische Sprachspiel. Technologie wird kulturalisiert durch diskursive Domestizierung von künstlicher Intelligenz.


Of taming humanoids

Soon, humanoid robots will live together with us in everyday spaces. Architecture is fare from being prepared. There is a paradox concerning living space: Robots can act autonomously, but they have hardly any possibility to recognize the human meanings of objects and spaces. They have to learn this. Why? Taming means adapting to the needs of people. A humanoid robot may resemble a human being, but it is anything but adapted. 

H.A.U.S. is researching towards an AI machine learning system to make that possible. Thats archieved by means of the space-game, wich is developed according to the philosophical language-game: an interaction of robot, artificial intelligence and man. You want to talk to Robot Pepper? Tell the humanoid what different everyday things mean to you. Its a model of space generated by the interaction of humanoid robot, AI and human person. 



die architekturklassen der salzburger sommerakademie

Case Study über die Architekturklasse der Internationalen Sommerakademie Salzburg, 1953-2012. Im Zentrum stehen Fragen über das Verhältnis von künstlerischer Avantgarde und städtischer Politik: Die wechselseitige Beeinflussungen von Avantgardethemen, Lehre und internationalem Fachdiskurs über Themen in Architektur und Urbanismus in Überlagerung von Tagespolitik mit konkreten urbanistischen Problemen und der spezifischen Kultur einer Stadt.



The architecture classes of the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (Summeracademy or ISBKS for short), based in Salzburg, Austria, have had a significant position within the Austrian architecture scene for over half a century. During their existence, the classes formed a counterbalance to the traditional academic education in architecture and successfully established a position on socially relevant, urbanistic and urban policy agendas.





Digital Architectonics, Digital Literacy for Architects


A live youtube channel of the lecture series is available here



Digital Architectonics, Digital Literacy for Architects


A live youtube channel of the lecture series is available here


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Contact: Vera Bühlmann


New Materialism (EU COST ACTION IS1307)

Networking European Scholarship on 'How Matter Comes to Matter

Scholars presently exploring »how matter comes to matter« call themselves new or neo-materialists. They do radically interdisciplinary research based on the conviction that the current economic, ecological and political crises as well as technological advances and everyday practices do not allow a conception of "matter" as (an) object(s) that could be captured along traditional disciplinary lines. This Action wants to network European new materialisms: how do they look, and what can they innovate?





Contact: Vera Bühlmann, Pa.LaC.E


chambord inachevé

We are proud to exhibit our project in the exhibition at Chambord castle from May 25 - September 19 2019.

CHAIR of the Competition: Dominique Perrault

MEMBERS of the Chair: Jean d´Haussonville, Yannick Mercoyrol, Philippe Villeneuve, Juan Fernández Andrino, Roland Schaer, Georges Rousse



....Dissertationen..Doctoral research....

....Doktoratsstudium..doctoral program....


Die Promotionsthemen an der Abteilung sind vielfältig und individuell. Kontaktieren Sie uns wenn Sie ein Projekt haben. ..

Themes for conducting doctoral research at the department are manifold. Get in touch if you have a project of your own. ....

....FORSCHUNGSPROGRAMM DIGITALE ARCHITEKTONIK..research program digital architectonics....

Zudem aber es gibt ein Anliegen, dem unsere spezielle Förderung in Form eines intensiven Forschungsjahres gilt: der Entwicklung einer Digitalen Architektonik. Dieses Forschungsjahr bieten wir in Kooperation mit der ETH Zurich, Lehrstuhl für CAAD, und mit der Universität Budapest an. ..In addition there is one particular research vector to which we dedicate special attention, and promotion in the form of a one-year training program: The development of a Digital Architectonics. We offer this training program in collaboration with ETH Zurich, Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design and the University of Budapest. ....


Forschungskolloquium ATTP und CAAD ETH Zürich an.

Montags, 4 pm at ATTP. Starting again Monday Sept. 30th 2019. 

SS/WS 19/20 Information and Negation. Image, Code, Money. Reading Peter Handke Der Bildverlust (2014). flyer here.


Research Colloquy ATTP and CAAD ETH Zürich.

Mondays, 4 pm at ATTP. Starting again Sept. 30th 2019. 

SS/WS 19/20 Information and Negation. Image, Code, Money. Reading Peter Handke Der Bildverlust (2014). flyer here.


....LAUFENDE PROMOTIONSPROJEKTE..current phd projects....

Diana Alvarez-Marin, ETH Zurich (Mitbetreuerin, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Dietmar Bach, TU Wien (Betreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, TU Wien (Betreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Andrea Kopranovic, TU Wien (Betreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Carlos Marchi, TU Wien (Betreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Cris Argüelles, TU Wien (Betreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Riccardo M. Villa, TU Wien, (Betreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)


Diana Alvarez-Marin, ETH Zurich (Co-supervisor, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Dietmar Bach, TU Wien (Thesis Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, TU Wien (Thesis Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Andrea Kopranovic, TU Wien (Thesis Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Carlos Marchi, TU Wien (Thesis Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Cris Argüelles, TU Wien (Betreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Riccardo M. Villa, TU Wien (Thesis Supervisor: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)....

....Kürzlich abgeschlossene Promotionen..recently completed PHDs projects....

Nikola Marinčić (2016), ETH Zurich (Mitbetreuerin, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Jorge Orozco (2017), ETH Zurich (Mitbetreuerin, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Selena Savic, EPFL (Prüfungsexpertin, Prof. Dr. Vera Bühlmann)

Michael Doyle, EPFL (Prüfungsexpertin, Prof. Dr. Vera Bühlmann)

Poltak Pandjaitan (2018), ETH Zurich (Mitbetreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Miro Roman (2019), ETH Zurich (Mitbetreuerin, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

Benjamin Stangl (2019), TU Wien, (Mitbetreuerin: Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Vera Bühlmann)

....michel serres..MICHEL SERRES.... 

....über »die hominiszenz«..ÜBER »DIE HOMINISZENZ«....

....„As one thinks of luminescence or incandescence to accrue or to dwindle, by openings and occultation, a light whose intensity hides and shows itself in tremulous beginnings albeit continuously ready to switch off, and just as adolescence or senescence advances towards age or senility by regressing, both of them, to the involutions of an infancy or to a life which they, regretting, leave behind quickly. As efflorescence or effervescence design processes that are marked by this particular kind of ending called ‘inchoativ’, an adjective that designates a start, here of bloom, of surge or of emotion and as an arborescent plant acquires, step for step, a ramified form, the port or appearance of a tree – a process of hominescence has taken the place of our fact, but without knowing yet which human it will produce, magnify or assassinate. But have we ever known?” ..„As one thinks of luminescence or incandescence to accrue or to dwindle, by openings and occultation, a light whose intensity hides and shows itself in tremulous beginnings albeit continuously ready to switch off, and just as adolescence or senescence advances towards age or senility by regressing, both of them, to the involutions of an infancy or to a life which they, regretting, leave behind quickly. As efflorescence or effervescence design processes that are marked by this particular kind of ending called ‘inchoativ’, an adjective that designates a start, here of bloom, of surge or of emotion and as an arborescent plant acquires, step for step, a ramified form, the port or appearance of a tree – a process of hominescence has taken the place of our fact, but without knowing yet which human it will produce, magnify or assassinate. But have we ever known?”....


....Michel Serres, Hominescence, Le Pommier 2001. ..MICHEL SERRES, HOMINESCENCE, LE POMMIER 2001. ....
