Oliver Schürer

short CV 12/2019


2002-5 Doctoral thesis, Promotion in Architecture at the Vienna University of Technology

2003-5 Studies in philosophy Vienna University

2001-2 Project and process management

1990-99 Study of Architecture at the Vienna University of Technology

1985 Master carpenter

1981-3 Carpenter

Academic EXPERIENCE (Selection)

2016-now Research group ISBKS for the academic analysis of the ‘Architecture Classes of the International Summer Academy for Fine Arts in Salzburg’. Founder, lead.

2014-now Research group H.A.U.S. on robotic and AI technologies in Architecture.

2013-now Substitute head of the Department of Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, Vienna University of Technology.

2013-now Lecture series on methodology in Architecture sciences.

2011-13 Lecture series on architecture theory jointly with Professor Jormakka.

2010-12 Research project, ‘Public space 2.0; Evolving spaces along networked technologies’ Multidisciplinary project of the Kunstuniversität Linz, Vienna University of Technology, Institutes of Architecture Theory und Computer Technology. Funded by the PEEK/FWF.

2009-now Senior Scientist at the Department of Architecture Theory, Vienna University of Technology.

2006-10 Visiting researcher at the Department for CAAD at the ETH Zürich.

2003-now Advisor for various diplomas in Architecture.

2006-now Member of various review panels journals and book publishers, guest critic at various Vienna UT departments at other universities.

2003-now Member of various academic comities, including curriculum comity.

2003-now Various lectures, seminars and design studios at Vienna University of Technology

 and at various other universities and technical colleges.

2003-14 Long term research project, ‘The Profession of Architect’ (Berufsfeld Architektur), founder, lead: two volumes publication, two video podcast series at itunesU, two conferences.

2003-15 Various smaller research projects in Architecture.

2002-4 Research project ‘Architecture:Consulting’ lead in joint research with Donauuniversität Krems on extended modes of collaboration in Architecture projects. Book publication, conference, symposia at nearly all professional associations of the Austrian federal provinces.

2002-8 University Assistant at the Department of Architecture Theory, Vienna University of Technology.

2001 University assistant for the Institute of Building Typology, Vienna University of Technology

1999-2000 University assistant at the Institute of Building Construction, Graz University of Technology

Main research areas

Architecture theory: Since 1999, he is interrelating experiments in Architecture with qualitative and quantitative empirical studies for the production theory. As visiting researcher at the Department for CAAD, Zürich University of Technology 2006-2009, he was co-founder of the research project on the Technical Theory of Architecture. He did numerous publications on media, techniques and technologies of architecture. He was a invited curator of technology in architecture and urban studies at Wolkenkuckuksheim, the Journal of Architecture Theory. His monograph, ‘Automatismen und Architektur; Medien, Obsessionen, Technologien’ (Automatisms and architecture, media, obsessions, technologies) was published by Springer.

Economics: From 2002 to 2014, he conducted the "Profession of Architecture“. In various projects, he examined "Architecture as an economic and cultural field" being a design discipline, art form, scene, branch of economics, lifestyle and - last but not least - a means to earn a living. In 2004, the study, ‘Architektur:Consulting’ by Experts in Networks, Phase 0 and Processes, was published. From 2003 to 2014, he has been engaged in a detailed long-term study unique in Europe, concerning the living and working conditions in Austrian architecture. The quantitative part of the study, ‘Berufsfeld Architektur 1.0; Bestandsaufnahme und Zeitdiagnose’ (Occupational Field Architecture 1.0; Inventory and Diagnosis of Time), was published in 2008. The qualitative part of the study, ‘Berufsfeld Architektur 2.0; Lebenswelt, Wissen und Vernetzung’ (Occupational Field Architecture 2.0; Lifeworld, Knowledge and Networking) was published in 2014.

Urban studies: Since 2003, he has been researching the socio-cultural constraints and effects of the digitalization of infrastructures of life in urban and rural environments. In the course of the research project, ‘Public Space 2.0’, he organized a symposium with workshop at MIT in Cambridge, followed by its publication in book form. 2002 to 2011, his focus in the theoretical field was urbanist action in media architecture and media urbanism, territories, production of action strategies. From 2012 to 2016 he was dedicated to the development of theoretical approaches to media, urbanism, territories, production of action strategies, Big Data und Smart Cities.

History: Architecture's contemporary history is an important field of research to estimate forthcoming developments and to understand their constraints, where he focuses on the genesis of Central European architecture of the post-war modern era. 2016 till present, a group of doctoral candidates is working under his direction on the research subject. Researching on, the effect of the Salzburg Summer Academy on Austrian Architecture, the transformation of working conditions from the studio to the lab, the position of the experiment in the time-specific avant-garde, the city of Salzburg and its Architecture avantgarde on politics and governance, as well as developing a networked methodology to historical insights; a historical-critical analysis of the Architecture classes of the first European summer academy.

10 Most important PUBLICATIONS

Article in the almanac 2019 of the Chamber of Architects Styria and Carinthia on crucial aspects of market conditions and recommendations for camber policies “Beyond the status quo” (release scheduled for CW 40, 2019)

"Die Architekturklassen der Salzburger Sommerakademie 1953-2013"; in: "Querschnitt, Wegweisungen 19", Publikation zum Forschungstag 2016/17 der Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung, (2017)

"Lebenswelt und Wissen, das "Berufsfeld Architektur"; Architektur & Bauforum / Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag Wien, Februar; 3 S. (2014)

"Lebenswelt, Wissen, Vernetzung"; ÖIAN Kommunikationsmagazin des Österreichischen Ingenieur- und Architektenvereins, 1 (2014), S. 6.

"Menschen die Architektur machen - zur Architektonik einer Szene"; ÖIAZ - Jubiläumsband zum 150-jährigen Bestehen des Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architektenvereins (ÖIAV), 159 (2014)

O. Schürer, H. Gollner et al. (Hrg.): "Berufsfeld Architektur 2.0 - Lebenswelt, Wissen und Vernetzung"; Lit-Verlag, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-643-50590-3; 96 S.

"Zeitdiagnose und Lebenslinien - Bestandsaufnahme der österreichischen Architekturszene";
Archithese, 5 (2013), S. 28 - 33.

"Vom Paradox zur Resilienz? Der Kontext von Reformen der Einstiegsphase von Ziviltechnikern und Ziviltechnikerinnen"; KONstruktiv - Zeitschrift der Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten, Dezember 2015 (2015), Konstruktiv 300; S. 11 - 13.

"Automatismen und Architektur; Medien, Obsessionen, Technologien"; SpringerWienNewYork, Wien, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-211-79195-0; 180 S.

O. Schürer, K. Tielsch, M. Puchhammer, H. Gollner et al. (Hrg.): "Berufsfeld Architektur 1.0"; Lit-Verlag, Münster, 2008, ISBN: 9783700007944; 96 S.

"Architektur:Consulting"; in: "Erster österreichischer Baukulturreport", P. Orange (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: Wien; Architekturconsulting und BauherrInnenberatung im Auftrag des Österreichischen Nationalrates, 2006, S. 26 - 33.

O. Schürer, G. Brandner "Architektur:Consulting"; Birkhäuser, Basel, 2004, ISBN: 3-7643-7090-4; 191 S.

10 Further Academic / research activities (Selection)

Hosting conferences and lecture series (selection)

"Berufsfeld Architektur Ziviltechniker 2025 - Workshop zur Ideengenerierung"; at the annual meeting 2014 of the Chamber of Architects Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland; 26.11.2014.

Berufsfeld 2.0 conference "Berufsfeld Architektur; Lebenswelt, Wissen und Vernetzung" in cooperation with TU Wien, IG Architektur, ÖIAV und FH Technikum Wien, IG Architektur, Wien; (2014).

Berufsfeld 1.0 conference "Berufsfeld Architektur; Bestandsaufnahme und Zeitdiagnose“ cooperation with IG Architektur und FH Technikum Wien, IG Architektur, Wien (2008).

Lectures, panel discussions (selection)

Lecture at the annual meeting oft he European social fond ESF 2018 “Digitale Kompetenzen am Arbeitsmarkt“, Wien; 20.11.2018.

"Raum Spiel"; lecture at the conference „Digitalisation of work, upcoming aspects of quality work“, Vienna; 19.09.2018.

"Zukunft ZiviltechnikerInnen 2025"; lecture at the annual meeting 2014 of the Chamber of Architects Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland; 26.11.2014.

"Berufsfeld Architektur; Praxis aktuell"; keynote: Symposium "Berufsfeld Architektur; Praxis aktuell" - Veranstaltungsreihe Berufsfeld Architektur, IG Architektur, Wien; 29.04.2014 - 30.04.2014.

"Berufsfeld Architektur; Lebenswelt, Wissen und Vernetzung"; keynote: conference "Berufsfeld Architektur; Lebenswelt, Wissen und Vernetzung" in cooperation with TU Wien, IG Architektur, ÖIAV und FH Technikum Wien, IG Architektur, Wien; 13.03.2014.

O. Schürer, K. Tielsch, M. Puchhammer, H. Gollner: "Competence Acquisition, practical knowledge and vocation"; Vortrag: TIA, Teaching in architecture conference, Donau-Universität Krems; 14.09.2007 - 15.09.2007

"Architektur:Consulting"; research presentation and panel discussion at the Architecture center Vienna (AzW); 03.11.2004.

Lecture series on research results from the project "Architektur:Consulting"; at various advocacy groups of different Austrian federal states; 3-6.2006.

"realityCheck"; series of articles and lecture on project role of Architects and relations to the public role: Trespassing–Moments in Architecture, Sezession Vienna; 22.06.2002.

Exhibitions (selection)

"Pursuing work"; contribution by research first results of project “Berufsfeld Architektur”, at Haus der Architektur (Styrian house of Architecture) / steirischer herbst 2006, Kurator: M. Bogensberger; Graz, 25.09.2006.